Package 'docstring'

Title: Provides Docstring Capabilities to R Functions
Description: Provides the ability to display something analogous to Python's docstrings within R. By allowing the user to document their functions as comments at the beginning of their function without requiring putting the function into a package we allow more users to easily provide documentation for their functions. The documentation can be viewed just like any other help files for functions provided by packages as well.
Authors: Dason Kurkiewicz [aut, cre], Neal Fultz [ctb]
Maintainer: Dason Kurkiewicz <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-17 02:59:58 UTC

Help Index

Display a docstring


Display a docstring using R's built in help file viewer.


docstring(fun, fun_name = as.character(substitute(fun)), 
rstudio_pane = getOption("docstring_rstudio_help_pane"),
default_title = "Title not detected")




The function that has the docstring you would like to display


The name of the function.


logical. If running in RStudio do you want the help to show in the help pane? This defaults to TRUE but can be explicitly set using options("docstring_rstudio_help_pane" = TRUE) or options("docstring_rstudio_help_pane" = FALSE)


The title you would like to display if no title is detected in the docstring itself.


## Not run: 
square <- function(x){
  #' Square a number
  #' Calculates the square of the input
  #' @param x the input to be squared



mypaste <- function(x, y = "!"){
  #' Paste two items
  #' @description This function pastes two items
  #' together.  
  #' By using the description tag you'll notice that I
  #' can have multiple paragraphs in the description section
  #' @param x character. The first item to paste
  #' @param y character. The second item to paste Defaults to "!" but
  #' "?" would be pretty great too
  #' @usage mypaste(x, y)
  #' @return The inputs pasted together as a character string.
  #' @details The inputs can be anything that can be input into
  #' the paste function.
  #' @note And here is a note. Isn't it nice?
  #' @section I Must Warn You:
  #' The reference provided is a good read.
  #' \subsection{Other warning}{
  #'   It is completely irrelevant to this function though.
  #' }
  #' @references Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of 
  #' quantitative information. Cheshire, Conn: Graphics Press.
  #' @examples
  #' mypaste(1, 3)
  #' mypaste("hey", "you")
  #' mypaste("single param")
  #' @export
  #' @importFrom base paste
  return(paste(x, y))

## End(Not run)